Look after your guitar!

A soft cloth is the best thing to use to polish and clean guitars. 

Many manufacturers of musical instrument accessories offer special polishing cloths made specifically for use on guitars. 

But an old 100 percent cotton T-shirt makes a great guitar wiping tool too, and the more it has been laundered the freer it will be from lint. 

Beware of paper towels, which can actually scratch a fine guitar’s finish, especially if it’s lacquer or shellac French polish.

This is a great video to show you some neat tips and advice....

You Can Learn to Play the Guitar by Ear

All professional musicians, whether they're playing jazz, rock, bluegrass and country music, have spent their first years of practicing bent over a half speed record player.

You might be wondering what does this have to do with trying to learn to play the guitar by ear. As you will learn from this article, it actually has a lot to do with it.

Top 3 Most Effective Ways of Learning to Play the Guitar

Top 3 Most Effective Ways of Learning to Play the Guitar

Learning the guitar is a lifelong journey that many begin and few finish. People master the guitar through a huge variety of means. Among these, there are certain habits and paths that budding guitarists can take to quicken this long and arduous journey. 

Acoustic Guitars - The Best Tuners

Getting your guitar in tune is the first major challenge for the acoustic guitar student.

 This article helps take the sting out of guitar tuning by taking us through each step of the process.

Tuning your acoustic guitar is the first step in your guitar playing career.

Guide to Buying Used Guitars

This is a guide to buying a used guitar online. 

It tells you what to consider before making a purchase on a used guitar and tells you how to get the best deals.

If you are a guitarist, you will occasionally need to replace your gear. If this isn't the case, perhaps you're interested in learning the guitar. Regardless, this can end up costing you a good deal of money unless you buy smart. In this case, you should consider two options instead of buying brand new instruments and gear. Firstly, you can buy products online. Secondly, you can buy used products. Both are great options. If you buy a used guitar or used amplifier online, you get the best of both worlds.